Favorite Self Help/ Parenting Books

Today I wanted to share some of my all time favorite books that have helped me so much over the years. Some of these books I have read multiple times depending on when I needed it most. I thought I would share these with you in hopes that they will help you.

First up is one of my all time favorite parenting books: "12 Steps to Becoming a More Organized Mom." This book was a lifesaver for me when our children were young. This is the book where I learned the "five minute quick clean". I still use that tip to this day! Not only does this book help you with organizing your life but, she also shares how to prioritize things so you are not overwhelmed with taking on too much. She also gives tips on becoming a better wife and christian. This is a must read, so do yourself a favor and download it now or buy one asap HERE.

Next parenting Book I highly recommend is "Boundaries With Kids"

In my opinion, one of the most tragic things we have done as a society when parenting, is teach our children that we will clean up the messes they make rather than letting them feel the pain of making bad choices. This creates a child and eventually an adult, that they can make excuses for their bad behavior and never own up to it. "This book helps you teach your kids to take responsibility for their actions, attitudes, and emotions." 

You can purchase Boundaries with Kids HERE

Here a few additional great reads for Parents:


And for those of you who have a strong-willed child, these two books are a MUST!

Parenting with Love and Logic

Strong-Willed Child

Next up: Is Your life out of control?

Do people take advantage of you?

Do you have trouble saying no? 

Do you others to quilt you in to doing things?

If you answered yes to any of these, then this book is for you! Heck, even if you didn't answer yes, do yourself a favor and get this book!


Two books that have changed my spiritual life and helped me grow stronger in a relationship with God were these two amazing books:

Experiencing God


The Purpose Driven Life

It doesn't matter if you are just starting your spiritual journey or a seasoned Christian, these books will change your life. 

I hope you will find any or all of these books as helpful as I have all these years. Mine still sit on my bookshelves so that they are easily accessible to myself or my family members. Enjoy!