Freedom of Choice

Recently I had someone send me an Instagram post of a company whose products I use regularly and have mentioned here quite frequently.
They basically had stated their stance on a controversial subject that didn’t align with my own thoughts and beliefs and so I made the decision to stop using them.

This was actually the first time I have ever stopped using a companies product based on their political views. I have never been a political person nor do I really ever care to be… but their statement just didn’t sit well with me.

So I decided to reach out to my followers on Instagram to gain insight as to how many other people out there have stopped frequenting a business, purchasing products from a company, or no longer watch movies from certain celebrities, etc. because their political and religious views differ .
I also wanted to know how others felt about Business’, Celebrities, Bloggers, Influencers etc. sharing their views on their social platforms and websites, etc.

Before I begin… I would like to state the fact that I am not a journalist or an analyst nor do I claim to be.
So to the lady who unkindly pointed that out over on IG and said that I wasn’t “qualified” to speak on this subject…This is my personal space …that I pay for … and where I have the FREEDOM to share my thoughts.
Thats one of the many advantages of living in a FREE COUNTRY… and You Ma’am or Sir… have the FREEDOM to choose not to read this blog post.

So let’s begin…

As you think about these questions and read some of the responses from many of my followers, I would encourage you to keep an open mind, but also remember that these are peoples “opinions” and that you should really soul search, look up facts, statistics etc. and decide where you stand yourself.

My whole point in posing these questions for myself and others.. was to get us thinking.

I literally had hundreds of messages to read (so much for my “digital minimalism” 😬) and was absolutely blown away by some of you and your logical and non-emotional responses to these questions.

The first question I posed was this

Do You think business’, bloggers, CELEBRITIES, INFLUENCERS, etc. should share their political and religious views?

ReSults: 41% said Yes and 59% said No

Here are some of your responses:

  1. This is a part of Freedom of speech…. however, if any of these people choose to share their beliefs on social media, then they also must be prepared to suffer the consequences of what that will bring, ie…loss of followers, loss of business, loss of possible jobs, intolerance, anger, etc. *Freedom of choice and freedom of speech has never meant freedom from consequences.*

  2. Some of you stated Yes… because you wanted to know where these companies or influencers stood on certain matters so that you can decide wether or not to follow them or purchase their products.

3.Quite a few of you agreed that business is no place for politics or religion and although you felt they should have the right to speak out, they shouldn’t.

4. Just a hand full of you said No, because you are of the mindset that “Ignorance is Bliss” and you just don’t care what these peoples viewpoints are. When you come for entertainment you want only that, if you came to buy a product, just stick to selling.

5. A couple of you said absolutely NO because it could ultimately hurt the employees of the company due to lack of sales etc. and that not everyone that works for that employer would have the same viewpoint. A few of you expressed to me that you have actually experienced this at your workplace.

6. When a social media account takes a sharp turn away from their original content, it feels like a bait and switch…so I'm already feeling disappointed and distrustful. If the desire is to "change my views" you've already lost me.

Second Question:

Do you stop using a coMpanies products, following an influencer or celEbrity, stop watching movies, etc. When you don’t agree with their political or religious views?

64% Said YES and 36% Said No

Here’s what some of you had to say:

  1. One person stated she believes we vote with our cash as well as our ballot and wants to know where these people stand so she can make her money count.

  2. A lot of you stated you couldn’t knowingly give money to a company that doesn’t align with your religious and political views due to your own personal convictions.

  3. One person stated this: My Beliefs and my principles define my choices, so if someone or a business goes against them, I will find alternatives.

  4. A couple of you mentioned that you only want to support companies etc. that support or are in favor of America.

  5. A lot of you mentioned that you unfollow Influencers or entertainers social media platforms because they consistently shared their political views and felt it took away from the content that you originally came there for.

6.Again … ignorance is bliss and you really don’t care.

7. A lot of you said No unless it was an extreme viewpoint they didn’t agree with. For example: Chik FIL A ‘s Owner stating he did not agree with same sex marriage … and if you are a gay married couple you likely feel more strongly on this viewpoint.

8. One person stated No … that is stupid and immature.
I am only putting this statement in here because I would like to use it as a lesson in what not to do when responding to someone’s stance on anything. Name calling is what creates hate and divide. However, when I asked this person if they could see how this statement could be offensive, she admitted she did and we had a very civil discussion about it. I also felt she honestly didn’t intend to cause any hurt, but since she was making a quick general response it might have come across that way. So this is also a great lesson when you’re on the receiving end of the hurtful comment… be honest and tell them how you feel and hopefully you will be able to talk it out. I have so much more respect for people when they can admit they might be wrong and apologize .

9. Someone said… it’s okay to agree to disagree and still be friends.

10. A few of you said that you look at what charities etc. a company donates to before you decide to use them.

Third question:

Do you think there is a difference between Entertainers, business’ eTc. Sharing their Views on their platforms vS. you Sharing yours?

41% sAid YEs and 59% said no

Here’s what some of you had to say:

  1. Quite a few of you said yes because these influencers, entertainers etc. have larger platforms and would influence more people who mindlessly will believe whatever the person is saying without doing the research.

  2. Some said yes because they believe that because they have a larger following than most…they should be more responsible with what they are sharing.

    3. No, Regardless of who is sharing, they feel it is the responsibility of the reader to look up the facts and form their own opinions based off of that.

Fourth Question:

Do you think social platforms have a right to remove politicians, influencers, CELEBRITIES, etc. Based on their political and RELIGIOUS viEws?

10% said Yes and 90% said No

Here’s what some of you had to say:

  1. A lot of you said this: They should only do this in extreme cases where the person is threatening or speaking in such a way that could cause harm.

  2. One or two said they believe that yes these companies have a right to decide whom they shut down if it goes against the terms and conditions agreement the user signed when they opened the account.

  3. Quite a few said that if it’s extremist viewpoints then yes, however, they also feel that it should be the same across the board regardless of the persons political party.

  4. If they lie about undisputed facts and spread baseless theories, presenting them as facts, then yes. Politicians have a civic responsibility. Influencers don’t, and it’s their choice. But I don’t want to line the pockets of people who don’t follow facts and ratchet up drama.

  5. Definitely yes. They are private companies. The first amendment prevents the government from passing laws restricting free speech. Facebook etc. are not the government. They own their own platform and can run it as they see fit.

Fifth Question:

Would you work for a comPany that has stated any RELIGIOUS or POLITICAL statements that you disagree with?

26% said Yes and 74% said no

Here’s what some of you had to say:

  1. Income earning is a fact of life. My views may not necessarily align to an employer, but just as Jesus we always have an opportunity to influence in our environment. Rather than walk away, I choose to seek areas of impact in a meaningful way.

  2. To a point…if their beliefs weren’t harmful, then sure - otherwise, no thank you. Meaning: If someones beliefs can cause physical harm to someone else, or benefit one person and damage many, then I can’t get behind the belief.

  3. Can’t we just have good companies offering quality goods and services that responsibly produced without having to know what the person(s) with the microphone personally believes?
    For instance:
    If I work for you selling handmade natural wooden bowls and you believe the chicken came before the egg (or something random) it doesn’t make your bowl any different. It’s still a good product. Fairly priced. And maybe 99% of your company is of the egg came first philosophy.

Sixth Question:

Do you think its fair to employees who may disagree or who could be hurt FINANCIALLY if an Employer shares their own political or RELIGIOUS Views on their company platform?

25% Said yes and 75% said no

Here’s what some of you had to say…

  1. I’m dealing with fallout now from our CEO sharing his views. I’m in sales and my customers are very unhappy.

  2. I'm going through that right now with a company I worked with for over a decade. My sadness does not derive from changing a point of view, as much as the bias of only one point of view. Censorship is on the rise and that should concern us far more than the perspective of the topic at hand.

  3. I believe everyone has a right to share their stance on these topics. With the same token, employees have the same right to decide what’s important to them, the paycheck or their beliefs. It all needs to be fair and equal. Employees and customers should be able to decide where they would like to give there money and knowing these stances helps people make those decisions for themselves. Some people place high value on them while others may not see it as a “problem”.

  4. If you dont like it find another job...just like its a free country and you can believe what you want, you also have the choice to leave a company if you dont like their views. Just like I don’t have to buy from or follow that person/company for the same reason! Free market , free thought, free speech, and free country!!

  5. No…It’s alienates the employee and creates a hostile work environment for those who disagree.

  6. I think for the most part businesses should stay out of politics and religion. For instance: hobby lobby or Chick-fil-A these owners have a very strong religious belief. That’s a beautiful thing. Employees know how the company feels and is run. They can choose to work there or not. In the case of say Coca-Cola when they decide after their employees have already been working there and they want to change their stance or have a stance …it isn’t fair. If I felt strongly against a company‘s values I wouldn’t work there. In the end you have to have firm strong convictions and stand by them.

Seventh Question:

Do you fEel an employer haS the right to fire an EMPLOYEE Or Cancel a contract with an influencer/blogger if they post a political or RELIGIOUS view on their social media platform that could ULTIMATELY hurt the companies sales etc.?

55% Said Yes And 45% said no

Here’s what some of you had to say…

  1. I voted yes on this. Ultimately, there are several different political and religious views as to why this could affect a company’s reputation and therefore hurt sales. If an employee in this case, posts about being pro abortion and you’re pro life, this could cause confusion with followers and in the end, cause people to unfollow you. I feel as though an employee in this case, needs to be extremely careful with what they’re posting, if they’ve signed a contract with an employer.

    On the flip side, I firmly believe in freedom of speech and people posting whatever they believe in. If an employee’s job has nothing to do with internet or signing contracts about such things with employers, they should never be discriminated against what they believe in.

  2. Everyone is allowed their opinion, but there is a TIME AND PLACE. If you are being paid by a company to promote their product, what you are NOT being paid to do is promote their product AND your opinion. Also, your opinion may lose you followers and companies willing to do business with you, which is something I feel many influencers and bloggers are dumbfounded by. Being given the platform doesn’t mean you have an open mic. Especially if your views and beliefs don’t align with the brand you are promoting. If they align and they are ok with you using your platform to get your word out, then fine. Otherwise, save it for your personal page.

  3. I feel when you are representing a company, it’s your job to stay neutral, on the fence. What an influencer does on their time is their choice. Business first.

  4. Maybe. If there’s nothing contractual that prohibits those types of comments, then no. Conversely, if there is a contractual obligation of not posting those types of comments and the influencer posts anyway, yes.

  5. I think this depends on the situation but overall I think yes. Because if you are working for someone I don't think you should give out your opinion freely on politics if it could affect the company wether it’s a conservative or liberal view. I don't think it matters what side you’re on politically I think politics should be removed because I think it's unprofessional. I understand that everyone will have there own opinions on different subjects but if they feel the need to preach their side get a separate page n go for it.

  6. No, contracts are binding unless there is specific language that says that in the contract, you can’t just fire someone if there is a contractual agreement.

Well hopefully this has been enlightening and given you some food for thought.

I understand that these questions are somewhat vague and maybe not worded perfectly, but I appreciate the hundreds of you who were able to get the gist of them and give me your feedback.

I would also like to reiterate how impressed I was with the fact that so many of your responses to these questions were based on logic and not emotion (that’s a whole other blog post that I should probably get my husband to write).
I also appreciate the fact that so many of you allowed me to plays devils advocate with you and ask additional questions to some of the answers you gave.

Also, if you happen to recognize your response to one of the questions above and would like me to add your name to it … feel free to let me know.

I would love for you to leave any additional thoughts in the comments below.


