Using Your “Gift” To Bless Others


I’m curious if you know what your “gift” is?

It took me a while to realize that my gift didn’t have to be something spectacular or profound..

I recognized that gifts come in so many forms... For instance, maybe your like my mother who is a sympathetic listener and will comfort and cry along with someone when they’re hurting.

Or maybe you’re an encourager... giving someone that little boost to get them past their fear of failure. Maybe your thoughtful and caring and you recognize when someone’s hurting and simply ask if they need to talk.

Sometimes it’s just being that person that notices when someone feels insignificant and you go out of your way to acknowledge them. And then some of you might be like my friend Donna who gives people shelter when they need it most.. and then helps them to find their way after being in a difficult situation.

All I know is... you don’t have to be “gifted” or “talented” in an area to show love and kindness. I think we all have something living inside us that was placed there to bring Joy and happiness to others. So if you aren’t sure what your special gift is ... ask someone close to you what they think you’re really good at and then use it to bless others.


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